Tuesday, March 31, 2015

what life is all about?

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Mary Jane. Very seductive fine young  lady. she loves to threw people away high up in the sky. she is a very funny girl. just hilarious all the time. just cant stop laughing when shes around. just cant get enough. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

selamat semua

suatu masa dahulu. semua berbaju. kemeja putih layu. dada belum berbulu. semua mahu melulu.

kini semua sudah maju. tidak lagi putih layu. dada masing masing berlulu. semua sudah tahu hala tuju.

hidup seperti angin. tiada dimata tapi bisa dirasa. kadang kadang merasa. tidak selalu meminta.

bila langit mula kelabu
bila hatimu makin celaru
bila fikiran sudah buntu
bila mukamu pilu membiru

bila lututmu bergoyang
bila akalmu kering kontang
bila kakimu mahu telentang
bila kau makin hilang

ingat sahaja aku disini
takkan ku biar kau sendiri
akan aku pastikan kau terus berdiri
jangan kau berani rebah menyembah bumi
selagi aku masih boleh berdiri

ambil sahaja telefon bimbitmu
cari aku jangan engkau malu
akan aku bantu selagi termampu
kerana engkau sentiasa sahabat sejatiku.

cantik bunga harum mewangi. jika nanti aku pergi. jangan pernah lupakan sahabatmu yang ini.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


malas nyaa. blog aku da padam ...sbb rase mcm xbes ...so aku decide post sini ...dah sem 2 ni rase makin malas gle nak blaja ...padahal pointer tak de la nak cantek sgt pon sem lps ...ni baru 3 mggu,errm 3 mggu kot ...isnin selase rabu dah aku buat hari cuti xg klasss
tgak2 dtg pagi td (khamis) dandan ad kuiz thermo ...masok plak half hour lewat ...so kuiz wat cam cibai ...tiru la sket2 ...cam tak biase ...lab plak bkn main tak thn ad 4 lab report ...yg dua mggu lps suppost hanta jumat lepas hanta isnin ...yg mggu lepas ad 2 report tak hanta lagi ...ni minggu ni ad lagi satu report ...perrgh degree pye cerite ...
tp aku pon rase korg pon lebih krg same la gak en ...
skang ak smbg balik main game ps1 yg dulu tak abis main ...
padahal bkn xda game lain nak main ...saint row,space marin, deus x, battlefield 3 ...suma atan da bg ...aku download sendri pon ad gta4 n pe bagai ...tp nak wat cane kan ...nak completekan zaman kanak2 pye game pye pasal ...10 jam sehari hadap laptop ...rotate la main 2 game ni ...kalau ganti mase ngan study mmg aku rase boleh 4.0 da kot ...

okkkkies ...korg nak dtg lepak mai la shah alam ...makan sandwich sesme ...tp korg bwk la roti ,kaya suma

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


 hai ...ini moto baru saye

ni helmet dari spain ...tadaa~

Monday, January 30, 2012


Zam, congrates to you zam, hopfully kau graduate dgn cemerlang. To Nailul take good care yourself bro. and Atan, smoke high tapi blaja jgn lupa..huahaha(tahniah ar weh Rgbi Ansara 2012 tuh, sorry ar x dpt pg). Aku sihat walafiat sekarang tengah cuti ni, zam nnt 11 feb kalau aku free insyaAllah aku g anta kau..nailul dgn atan kalau nak pg skali roger2 ok.

Study smarter, Smoke higher and Take good care yourself guys.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

hello guys!

hello hello. this blog been superbly quiet for a really long time. i guess everyone been busy studying or maybe doing things right. so got no time to write something on this precious blog. seriously typing i miss you guys. all of u are the bestest friend that i ever had. we shared lots of sweet memories. im writing this post entitled hello guys just to let u know that i'll be flying down under. InsyaAllah on the 11th feb im going to Monash University, Melbourne Australia majoring in biotechnology for 4 years. thank you for all your support and of course memories that we shared. im really glad and grateful to have friends that will always be by my side no matter what happen eventhough not real just virtually but still. so thank you guys. i really hope that we could gather sometime before i fly and have our last drinks or shisha maybe. if ada rezeki lah. if not we'll meet sometime in the future lah then. okay thats all. thank you for your time. selamat rakan rakan.